For announcements, reminders, and possible last minute changes, please sign up for our Remind. Please only sign up for the group you belong to. Most of the time, all Remind groups will receive the same announcements from the stake.
Adult Trek Leaders/Committee Members, etc.
Click the links above to join or text the @ code to 81010
For pre-trek flyers, and post-trek photos and videos, please follow the Stake Youth Instagram page: CypressStakeYouth
Emergency Trek Contact
If there is an emergency at home and you need to reach someone while we are on trek, you should be able to reach at least one of these individuals at any given time.
Mark Lawton 832-260-1463
Dean Lefler 832-646-4606
McCall Sessions 281-381-8144
Aaron Lund 413-313-1691
Questions? Wondering who to contact?
Important: All trek questions and non-confidential communication should go through your Ward Trek Specialist. Most questions can be answered on the FAQ page and various tabs on the website.
Ward Trek Specialists
Cypress Jonathan Amsden
Cypress Lakes Rebecca Emett
Eldridge Haylie Merchen
Fairfield Kimberly Cribbs
Jersey Village Andrea Ochoa
Lakewood Kamilla Nielsen
Longwood Joyce Otto
Northpointe Sabrina England
Telge Sarina Rail
White Oak Jon Gaastra
If a trek specialist cannot answer your question (or if it is confidential in nature), they will direct you to one of the following:
Trek Chairs Ken & Karie Hubnik
Registration Amy Robison
Food Brent & Jen Mortensen
Medical Laura Arzac
Supplies/Clothing Renita Fisher
*Note: Medical and Food Committee chairs will reach out to participants who have medical or food conditions noted on their registration as needed.